Site de l’association HerPAs

publications scientifiques de 2015


Constitutive auto­phagy contri­bu­tes to resis­tance to TP53-media­ted apop­to­sis in Epstein-Barr virus-posi­tive latency III B-cell lym­pho­pro­li­fe­ra­tions. Pujals A, Favre L, Pioche-Durieu C, Robert A, Meurice G, Le Gentil M, Chelouah S, Martin-Garcia N, Le Cam E, Guettier C, Raphaël M, Vassilev LT, Gaulard P, Codogno P, Lipinski M, Wiels J. Autophagy. 2015 Nov 13:0.

The myco­toxin afla­toxin B1 sti­mu­la­tes Epstein-Barr virus-indu­ced B-cell trans­for­ma­tion in in vitro and in vivo expe­ri­men­tal models. Accardi R, Gruffat H, Sirand C, Fusil F, Gheit T, Hernandez-Vargas H, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Traverse-Glehen A, Cosset FL, Manet E, Wild CP, Tommasino M. Carcinogenesis. 2015 Nov ;36(11):1440-51. doi : 10.1093/carcin/bgv142.

Tenofovir Gel to Prevent HSV-2 Infection. Agut H, Burrel S, Boutolleau D. N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 12 ;373(20):1980. doi : 10.1056/NEJMc1511338#SA2

Genetic Diversity within Alphaherpesviruses : Characterization of a Novel Variant of Herpes Simplex Virus 2. Burrel S, Désiré N, Marlet J, Dacheux L, Seang S, Caumes E, Bourhy H, Agut H, Boutolleau D. J Virol. 2015 Dec 15 ;89(24):12273-83. doi : 10.1128/JVI.01959-15.

Immunologic and Virologic Progression in HIV Controllers : The Role of Viral « Blips » and Immune Activation in the ANRS CO21 CODEX Study.Noel N, Lerolle N, Lécuroux C, Goujard C, Venet A, Saez-Cirion A, Avettand-Fenoël V, Meyer L, Boufassa F, Lambotte O ; ANRS C021 CODEX Study Group. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 6 ;10(7):e0131922. doi : 10.1371/jour­nal.pone.0131922. _Laboratory and cli­ni­cal aspects of human her­pes­vi­rus 6 infec­tions.Agut H, Bonnafous P, Gautheret-Dejean A. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2015 Apr ;28(2):313-35. doi : 10.1128/CMR.00122-14.

Management of mul­ti­drug-resis­tant CMV infec­tion in immu­no­com­pro­mi­sed patients : case report of a heart-trans­plant reci­pient and review of the lite­ra­ture. Deback C, Burrel S, Varnous S, Carcelain G, Conan F, Aït-Arkoub Z, Autran B, Gandjbakhch I, Agut H, Boutolleau D. Antivir Ther. 2015 ;20(2):249-54. doi : 10.3851/IMP2818.

Impact of HIV-1 infec­tion on herpes sim­plex virus type 2 gene­tic varia­bi­lity among co-infec­ted indi­vi­duals. Abrão EP, Burrel S, Désiré N, Bonnafous P, Godet A, Caumes E, Agut H, Boutolleau D. J Med Virol. 2015 Mar ;87(3):357-65. doi : 10.1002/jmv.24061.

Presence of HHV-6 genome in sper­ma­to­zoa in a context of cou­ples with low fer­ti­lity : what type of infec­tion ? Godet AN, Soignon G, Koubi H, Bonnafous P, Agut H, Poirot C, Gautheret-Dejean A. Andrologia. 2015 Jun ;47(5):531-5. doi : 10.1111/and.12299.

In vitro trans­la­tion of mRNAs that are in their native ribo­nu­cleo­pro­tein com­plexes.Panthu B, Mure F, Gruffat H, Ohlmann T. Biochem J. 2015 Nov 15 ;472(1):111-9. doi : 10.1042/BJ20150772.

Plasma miR-200b in ova­rian car­ci­noma patients : dis­tinct pat­tern of pre/post-treat­ment varia­tion com­pa­red to CA-125 and poten­tial for pre­dic­tion of pro­gres­sion-free sur­vi­val.=5766&path[]=13551] N.I. Kapetanakis, C. Uzan, A.S. Jimenez-Pailhes, S. Gouy, E. Bentivegna, P. Morice, O. Caron, C. Gourzones-Dmitriev, G. Le Teuff, P. Busson. Oncotarget 6 (34) : 36815-824 (2015).

Impact of exo­ge­nous galec­tin-9 on human T cells : contri­bu­tion of the T cell recep­tor com­plex to anti­gen-inde­pen­dent acti­va­tion but not to apop­to­sis induc­tion. Lhuillier C., Barjon C., Niki T., Gelin A., Praz F., Morales O., Souquere S., Hirashima M., Wei M., Dellis O., Busson P. J. Biol. Chem. 290 (27) : 16797-16811 (2015).

Effect of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma-Derived Exosomes on Human Regulatory T Cells. Mrizak D., Martin N., Barjon C., Jimenez-Pailhes A.S., Mustapha R., Niki T., Guigay J., Pancré V., Yvan de Launoit Y., Busson P. , Morales O. and Delhem. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 107 (1) : 363 (2015).

Establishment of HSV1 latency in immu­no­de­fi­cient mice faci­li­ta­tes effi­cient in vivo reac­ti­va­tion. Ramakrishna C, Ferraioli A, Calle A, Nguyen TK, Openshaw H, Lundberg PS, Lomonte P, Cantin EM. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Mar 11 ;11(3):e1004730. doi : 10.1371/jour­nal.ppat.1004730.