Site de l’association HerPAs

Publications scientifiques de 2012


Broad RNA Interference-Mediated Antiviral Immunity and Virus-Specific Inducible Responses in Drosophila. Kemp C, Mueller S, Goto A, Barbier V, Paro S, Bonnay F, Dostert C, Troxler L, Hetru C, Meignin C, Pfeffer S, Hoffmann JA, Imler JL. J Immunol. 2012 Dec 19.

MiR-20a regu­la­tes ASK1 expres­sion and TLR4-depen­dent cyto­kine release in rheu­ma­toid fibro­blast-like syno­vio­cy­tes. Philippe L, Alsaleh G, Pichot A, Ostermann E, Zuber G, Frisch B, Sibilia J, Pfeffer S, Bahram S, Wachsmann D, Georgel P. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Oct 27.

miR-122 acts as a tumor sup­pres­sor in hepa­to­car­ci­no­ge­ne­sis in vivo. Zeisel MB, Pfeffer S, Baumert TF. J Hepatol. 2012 Oct 17.

Degradation of cel­lu­lar mir-27 by a novel, highly abun­dant viral trans­cript is impor­tant for effi­cient virus repli­ca­tion in vivo. Marcinowski L, Tanguy M, Krmpotic A, Rädle B, Lisnić VJ, Tuddenham L, Chane-Woon-Ming B, Ruzsics Z, Erhard F, Benkartek C, Babic M, Zimmer R, Trgovcich J, Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S, Pfeffer S, Dölken L. PLoS Pathog. 2012 Feb ;8(2):e1002510

Deregulation of type I IFN-depen­dent genes cor­re­la­tes with increa­sed sus­cep­ti­bi­lity to cyto­me­ga­lo­vi­rus acute infec­tion of dicer mutant mice.Ostermann E, Tuddenham L, Macquin C, Alsaleh G, Schreiber-Becker J, Tanguy M, Bahram S, Pfeffer S, Georgel P. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(8):e43744.

Reconstitution of the entire hepa­ti­tis C virus life cycle in non­he­pa­tic cells. Da Costa D, Turek M, Felmlee DJ, Girardi E, Pfeffer S, Long G, Bartenschlager R, Zeisel MB, Baumert TF. J Virol. 2012 Nov ;86(21):11919-25.

Case report : detec­tion of a hepa­ti­tis B sur­face anti­gen variant emer­ging in an elderly patient after an ische­mic cere­bral vas­cu­lar acci­dent. Deroux A, Larrat S, Hilleret MN, Baccard M, Qin W, Billet G, Zaoui P, Morand P. J Med Virol. 2012 Dec ;84(12):1897-900.

Performance of an anti­gen-anti­body com­bi­ned assay for hepa­ti­tis C virus tes­ting without veni­punc­ture. Larrat S, Bourdon C, Baccard M, Garnaud C, Mathieu S, Quesada JL, Signori-Schmuck A, Germi R, Blanc M, Leclercq P, Hilleret MN, Leroy V, Zarski JP, Morand P. J Clin Virol. 2012 Nov ;55(3):220-5.

Three-dimen­sio­nal struc­ture of the Epstein-Barr virus capsid. Germi R, Effantin G, Grossi L, Ruigrok RW, Morand P, Schoehn G. J Gen Virol. 2012 Aug ;93(Pt 8):1769-73.

Low Resolution Structure of the Vaccinia Virus DNA Replication machi­nery. Sèle C, Gabel F, Gutsche I, Ivanov I, Burmeister WP, Iseni F, Tarbouriech N. J Virol. 2012 Nov 21.

The struc­tu­ral basis for the inte­grity of ade­no­vi­rus Ad3 dode­ca­he­dron. Szolajska E, Burmeister WP, Zochowska M, Nerlo B, Andreev I, Schoehn G, Andrieu JP, Fender P, Naskalska A, Zubieta C, Cusack S, Chroboczek J. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(9):e46075.

Allosteric com­pe­ti­tive inac­ti­va­tion of hema­to­poie­tic CSF-1 signa­ling by the viral decoy recep­tor BARF1. Elegheert J, Bracke N, Pouliot P, Gutsche I, Shkumatov AV, Tarbouriech N, Verstraete K, Bekaert A, Burmeister WP, Svergun DI, Lambrecht BN, Vergauwen B, Savvides SN. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2012 Sep ;19(9):938-47.

The « Bridge » in the Epstein-Barr virus alka­line exo­nu­clease pro­tein BGLF5 contri­bu­tes to shu­toff acti­vity during pro­duc­tive infec­tion. Horst D, Burmeister WP, Boer IG, van Leeuwen D, Buisson M, Gorbalenya AE, Wiertz EJ, Ressing ME. J Virol. 2012 Sep ;86(17):9175-87.

The herpes sim­plex virus type 1 Us11 pro­tein inhi­bits auto­phagy through its inte­rac­tion with the pro­tein kinase PKR. Lussignol M, Queval C, Bernet-Camard MF, Cotte-Laffitte J, Beau I, Codogno P, Esclatine A. J Virol. 2012 Oct 31.

[When human cyto­me­ga­lo­vi­rus says STOP to auto­phagy : an anti­vi­ral defense mecha­nism]. Lussignol M, Chaumorcel M, Mouna L, Esclatine A. Med Sci (Paris). 2012 Aug-Sep ;28(8-9):698-700.

I223R muta­tion in influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 neu­ra­mi­ni­dase confers redu­ced sus­cep­ti­bi­lity to osel­ta­mi­vir and zana­mi­vir and enhan­ced resis­tance with H275Y. LeGoff J, Rousset D, Abou-Jaoudé G, Scemla A, Ribaud P, Mercier-Delarue S, Caro V, Enouf V, Simon F, Molina JM, van der Werf S. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(8):e37095.

Molecular detec­tion of res­pi­ra­tory viru­ses in immu­no­co­pro­mi­sed ICU patients : inci­dence and mea­ning. Schnell D, Legoff J, Mariotte E, Seguin A, Canet E, Lemiale V, Darmon M, Schlemmer B, Simon F, Azoulay E. Respir Med. 2012 Aug ;106(8):1184-91.

T/B ratio does not reflect levels of ZAP70 expres­sion in clonal CLL B-cells due to ZAP70 ove­rex­pres­sion in patient T-cells. Rizzo D, Bouvier G, Youlyouz-Marfak I, Guerin E, Trimoreau F, Bordessoule D, Jaccard A, Gachard N, Feuillard J. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2012 Dec 6.

B7-H1, which repres­ses EBV-immor­ta­li­zed B cell killing by auto­lo­gous T and NK cells, is oppo­si­tely regu­la­ted by c-Myc and EBV latency III pro­gram at both mRNA and secre­tory lyso­some levels. Durand-Panteix S, Farhat M, Youlyouz-Marfak I, Rouaud P, Ouk-Martin C, David A, Faumont N, Feuillard J, Jayat-Vignoles C. J Immunol. 2012 Jul 1 ;189(1):181-90.

Human Herpesvirus-6 cyto­pa­thic inclu­sions : an excep­tio­nal and reco­gni­za­ble fin­ding on skin biopsy during HHV6 reac­ti­va­tion after auto­lo­gous stem-cell trans­plan­ta­tion. Roux J, Battistella M, Fornecker L, Legoff J, Deau B, Houhou N, Bouaziz JD, Thieblemont C, Janin A. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012 Aug ;34(6):e73-6.

Impaired intrin­sic immu­nity to HSV-1 in human iPSC-deri­ved TLR3-defi­cient CNS cells. Lafaille FG, Pessach IM, Zhang SY, Ciancanelli MJ, Herman M, Abhyankar A, Ying SW, Keros S, Goldstein PA, Mostoslavsky G, Ordovas-Montanes J, Jouanguy E, Plancoulaine S, Tu E, Elkabetz Y, Al-Muhsen S, Tardieu M, Schlaeger TM, Daley GQ, Abel L, Casanova JL, Studer L, Notarangelo LD. Nature. 2012 Nov 29 ;491(7426):769-73.

Concepts in MDM2 Signaling : Allosteric Regulation and Feedback Loops.Ponnuswamy A, Hupp T, Fåhraeus R. Genes Cancer. 2012 Mar ;3(3-4):291-7.

The role of mRNA trans­la­tion in direct MHC class I anti­gen pre­sen­ta­tion. Apcher S, Manoury B, Fåhraeus R. Curr Opin Immunol. 2012 Feb ;24(1):71-6.

The p53 mRNA-Mdm2 inte­rac­tion controls Mdm2 nuclear traf­fi­cking and is requi­red for p53 acti­va­tion fol­lo­wing DNA damage. Gajjar M, Candeias MM, Malbert-Colas L, Mazars A, Fujita J, Olivares-Illana V, Fåhraeus R. Cancer Cell. 2012 Jan 17 ;21(1):25-35.

A new and fre­quent human T-cell leu­ke­mia virus inde­ter­mi­nate Western blot pat­tern : epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal deter­mi­nants and PCR results in cen­tral African inha­bi­tants. Filippone C, Bassot S, Betsem E, Tortevoye P, Guillotte M, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Plancoulaine S, Calattini S, Gessain A. J Clin Microbiol. 2012 May ;50(5):1663-72.

A major locus on chro­mo­some 3p22 confer­ring pre­dis­po­si­tion to human her­pes­vi­rus 8 infec­tion. Pedergnana V, Gessain A, Tortevoye P, Byun M, Bacq-Daian D, Boland A, Casanova JL, Abel L, Plancoulaine S. Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Jun ;20(6):690-5.

Divergent KSHV/HHV-8 sub­type D strains in New Caledonia and Solomon Islands, Melanesia. Cassar O, Charavay F, Bassot S, Plancoulaine S, Grangeon JP, Laumond-Barny S, Martin PM, Chanteau S, Gessain A. J Clin Virol. 2012 Mar ;53(3):214-8.

Multicentric Castleman disease in an HHV8-infec­ted child born to consan­gui­neous parents with sys­te­ma­tic review. Leroy S, Moshous D, Cassar O, Reguerre Y, Byun M, Pedergnana V, Canioni D, Gessain A, Oksenhendler E, Fieschi C, Mahlaoui N, Rivière JP, Herbigneaux RM, Muszlak M, Arnaud JP, Fischer A, Picard C, Blanche S, Plancoulaine S, Casanova JL. Pediatrics. 2012 Jan ;129(1):e199-203. doi : 10.1542/peds.2010-2739. Epub 2011 Dec 12. Review.

Disclosure of mye­lo­dys­plas­tic syn­drome diag­no­sis : impro­ving patient unders­tan­ding and expe­rience.Besson C, Rannou S, Elmaaroufi H, Guirimand N, Tresvaux du Fraval F, Jenny S, Festy P, Fenaux P, Leplège A. Eur J Haematol. 2012 Dec 7.

HDP-CDV as an alter­na­tive for treat­ment of human her­pes­vi­rus-6 infec­tions.. Bonnafous P, Bogaert S, Godet AN, Agut H. J Clin Virol. 2012 Nov 21.

Impact of novel muta­tions of herpes sim­plex virus 1 and 2 thy­mi­dine kina­ses on acy­clo­vir phos­pho­ry­la­tion acti­vity. Burrel S, Bonnafous P, Hubacek P, Agut H, Boutolleau D. Antiviral Res. 2012 Dec ;96(3):386-90.

Routine use of duplex real-time PCR assays inclu­ding a com­mer­cial inter­nal control for mole­cu­lar diag­no­sis of oppor­tu­nis­tic DNA virus infec­tions. Burrel S, Fovet C, Brunet C, Ovaguimian L, Hamm N, Conan F, Kalkias L, Agut H, Boutolleau D. J Virol Methods. 2012 Oct ;185(1):136-41.

Emergence of cyto­me­ga­lo­vi­rus resis­tance to fos­car­net in a patient recei­ving fos­car­net sal­vage the­rapy for mul­ti­drug-resis­tant HIV infec­tion. Boutolleau D, Canestri A, Burrel S, Wirden M, Seang S, Clavel-Osorio C, Marcelin AG, Katlama C, Agut H. J Clin Virol. 2012 Jun ;54(2):194-6.

Confirmation of the low cli­ni­cal effect of human her­pes­vi­rus-6 and -7 infec­tions after renal trans­plan­ta­tion. Caïola D, Karras A, Flandre P, Boutolleau D, Scieux C, Agut H, Legendre C, Gautheret-Dejean A. J Med Virol. 2012 Mar ;84(3):450-6.

DsRed-media­ted oli­go­me­ri­za­tion sta­bi­li­zes HMGB1 on chro­ma­tin in vivo and on DNA in vitro. Messmer M, Klein C, Boniface R, Gnädig NF, Lecerf M, Barnay-Verdier S, Maréchal V. Biochimie. 2012 Nov 14.

Attenuation of soft-tissue sar­co­mas resis­tance to the cyto­toxic action of TNF-α by res­to­ring p53 func­tion. Muret J, Hasmim M, Stasik I, Jalil A, Mallavialle A, Nanbakhsh A, Lacroix L, Billot K, Baud V, Thiery J, Vielh P, Terrier P, Wiels J, Vassilev L, Lecesne A, Bonvalot S, Chouaib S. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(6):e38808.

Toll-like recep­tor 3 in Epstein-Barr virus-asso­cia­ted naso­pha­ryn­geal car­ci­no­mas : consis­tent expres­sion and cyto­toxic effects of its syn­the­tic ligand poly(A:U) com­bi­ned to a Smac-mime­tic. Vérillaud B, Gressette M, Morel Y, Paturel C, Herman P, Lo KW, Tsao SW, Wassef M, Jimenez-Pailhes AS, Busson P. Infect Agent Cancer. 2012 Dec 3 ;7(1):36.

The human telo­me­rase cata­ly­tic subu­nit and viral telo­me­rase RNA recons­ti­tute a func­tio­nal telo­me­rase com­plex in a cell-free system, but not in human cells. Trapp-Fragnet L, Marie-Egyptienne DT, Fakhoury J, Rasschaert D, Autexier C. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2012 Dec ;17(4):598-615.

mdv1-miR-M7-5p, loca­ted in the newly iden­ti­fied first intron of the latency-asso­cia­ted trans­cript of Marek’s disease virus, tar­gets the imme­diate-early genes ICP4 and ICP27. Strassheim S, Stik G, Rasschaert D, Laurent S. J Gen Virol. 2012 Aug ;93(Pt 8):1731-42.

Kinetic expres­sion ana­ly­sis of the clus­ter mdv1-mir-M9-M4, genes meq and vIL-8 dif­fers bet­ween the lytic and latent phases of Marek’s disease virus infec­tion. Coupeau D, Dambrine G, Rasschaert D. J Gen Virol. 2012 Jul ;93(Pt 7):1519-29.

Rho-ROCK and Rac-PAK signa­ling path­ways have oppo­sing effects on the cell-to-cell spread of Marek’s Disease Virus. Richerioux N, Blondeau C, Wiedemann A, Rémy S, Vautherot JF, Denesvre C. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(8):e44072.

Centromere archi­tec­ture break­down indu­ced by the viral E3 ubi­qui­tin ligase ICP0 pro­tein of herpes sim­plex virus type 1. Gross S, Catez F, Masumoto H, Lomonte P. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(9):e44227.

HSV-1 genome sub­nu­clear posi­tio­ning and asso­cia­tions with host-cell PML-NBs and cen­tro­me­res regu­late LAT locus trans­crip­tion during latency in neu­rons. Catez F, Picard C, Held K, Gross S, Rousseau A, Theil D, Sawtell N, Labetoulle M, Lomonte P. PLoS Pathog. 2012 ;8(8):e1002852.

Factors influen­cing helper-inde­pen­dent adeno-asso­cia­ted virus repli­ca­tion. Nicolas A, Jolinon N, Alazard-Dany N, Barateau V, Epstein AL, Greco A, Büning H, Salvetti A. Virology. 2012 Oct 10 ;432(1):1-9.

A novel mono­clo­nal anti­body for detec­tion of galec­tin-9 in tissue sec­tions : appli­ca­tion to human tis­sues infec­ted by onco­ge­nic viru­ses. Barjon C, Niki T, Verillaud B, Opolon P, Bedossa P, Hirashima M, Blanchin S, Wassef M, Rosen HR, Jimenez AS, Wei M, Busson P. Infect Agent Cancer. 2012 Jul 17 ;7(1):16.

The Epstein-Barr virus BcRF1 gene pro­duct is a TBP-like pro­tein with an essen­tial role in late gene expres­sion. Gruffat H, Kadjouf F, Mariamé B, Manet E. J Virol. 2012 Jun ;86(11):6023-32.

Human endo­ge­nous retro­vi­rus type W enve­lope expres­sion in blood and brain cells pro­vi­des new insights into mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis disease. Perron H, Germi R, Bernard C, Garcia-Montojo M, Deluen C, Farinelli L, Faucard R, Veas F, Stefas I, Fabriek BO, Van-Horssen J, Van-der-Valk P, Gerdil C, Mancuso R, Saresella M, Clerici M, Marcel S, Creange A, Cavaretta R, Caputo D, Arru G, Morand P, Lang AB, Sotgiu S, Ruprecht K, Rieckmann P, Villoslada P, Chofflon M, Boucraut J, Pelletier J, Hartung HP. Mult Scler. 2012 Mar 30.

Epstein-Barr virus pro­tein EB2 sti­mu­la­tes cyto­plas­mic mRNA accu­mu­la­tion by coun­te­rac­ting the dele­te­rious effects of SRp20 on viral mRNAs. Juillard F, Bazot Q, Mure F, Tafforeau L, Macri C, Rabourdin-Combe C, Lotteau V, Manet E, Gruffat H. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug 1 ;40(14):6834-49.

Measles virus gly­co­pro­tein-pseu­do­ty­ped len­ti­vi­ral vec­tors are highly super­ior to vesi­cu­lar sto­ma­ti­tis virus g pseu­do­ty­pes for gene­tic modi­fi­ca­tion of mono­cyte-deri­ved den­dri­tic cells. Humbert JM, Frecha C, Bouafia FA, N’guyen TH, Boni S, Cosset FL, Verhoeyen E, Halary F. J Virol. 2012 May ;86(9):5192-203.

Performance of two com­mer­cially avai­la­ble auto­ma­ted immu­noas­says for the deter­mi­na­tion of Epstein-Barr virus sero­lo­gi­cal status. Lupo J, Germi R, Semenova T, Buisson M, Seigneurin JM, Morand P. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2012 Apr 25.

Comparison of com­mer­cial extrac­tion sys­tems and PCR assays for quan­ti­fi­ca­tion of Epstein-Barr virus DNA load in whole blood. Germi R, Lupo J, Semenova T, Larrat S, Magnat N, Grossi L, Seigneurin JM, Morand P. J Clin Microbiol. 2012 Apr ;50(4):1384-9.

Inhibition of Latent Membrane Protein 1 Impairs the Growth and Tumorigenesis of Latency II Epstein-Barr Virus-Transformed T Cells. Ndour PA, Brocqueville G, Ouk TS, Goormachtigh G, Morales O, Mougel A, Bertout J, Melnyk O, Fafeur V, Feuillard J, Coll J, Adriaenssens E. J Virol. 2012 Apr ;86(7):3934-43.

Human Cytomegalovirus Entry into Dendritic Cells Occurs via a Macropinocytosis-Like Pathway in a pH-Independent and Cholesterol-Dependent Manner. Haspot F, Lavault A, Sinzger C, Laib Sampaio K, Stierhof YD, Pilet P, Bressolette-Bodin C, Halary F. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(4):e34795. Epub 2012 Apr 9.

Blood Epstein-Barr virus DNA load and risk of pro­gres­sion to AIDS-rela­ted sys­te­mic B lym­phoma. Leruez-Ville M, Seng R, Morand P, Boufassa F, Boue F, Deveau C, Rouzioux C, Goujard C, Seigneurin J, Meyer L. HIV Med. 2012 Mar 14. doi : 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2012.00998.x.

Viral and non-viral methods to gene­ti­cally modify den­dri­tic cells. Humbert JM, Halary F. Curr Gene Ther. 2012 Apr 1 ;12(2):127-36.

Live-cell ima­ging reveals mul­ti­ple inte­rac­tions bet­ween Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 (EBNA-1) and cel­lu­lar chro­ma­tin during inter­phase and mito­sis. Jourdan N, Jobart-Malfait A, Dos Reis G, Quignon F, Piolot T, Klein C, Tramier M, Coppey M, Marechal V. J Virol. 2012 Feb 15.

The Human Cytomegalovirus Protein TRS1 Inhibits Autophagy via Its Interaction with Beclin 1. Chaumorcel M, Lussignol M, Mouna L, Cavignac Y, Fahie K, Cotte-Laffitte J, Geballe A, Brune W, Beau I, Codogno P, Esclatine A. J Virol. 2012, 86(5):2571-84.

Nucleolin inte­racts with US11 pro­tein of herpes sim­plex virus 1 and is invol­ved in its traf­fi­cking. Greco A, Arata L, Soler E, Gaume X, Couté Y, Hacot S, Callé A, Monier K, Epstein AL, Sanchez JC, Bouvet P, Diaz JJ. J Virol. 2012 Feb ;86(3):1449-57.

Profiling of Epstein-Barr virus-enco­ded microR­NAs in naso­pha­ryn­geal car­ci­noma reveals poten­tial bio­mar­kers and onco­mirs. Gourzones C, Jimenez AS, Busson P. Cancer. 2012 Feb 1.

Host-tumor inte­rac­tions in naso­pha­ryn­geal car­ci­no­mas. Gourzones C, Barjon C, Busson P. Semin Cancer Biol. 2012 Apr ;22(2):127-36.

Inhibition of NOTCH3 signal­ling signi­fi­cantly enhan­ces sen­si­ti­vity to cis­pla­tin in EBV-asso­cia­ted naso­pha­ryn­geal car­ci­noma. Man CH, Wei-Man Lun S, Wai-Ying Hui J, To KF, Choy KW, Wing-Hung Chan A, Chow C, Tin-Yun Chung G, Tsao SW, Tak-Chun Yip T, Busson P, Lo KW. J Pathol. 2012 Feb ; 226(3) : 471-81.

[Complementary deter­mi­na­tion of Epstein-Barr virus DNA load and serum mar­kers for naso­pha­ryn­geal car­ci­noma scree­ning and early detec­tion in indi­vi­duals at risk in Tunisia]. Baizig NM, Morand P, Seigneurin JM, Boussen H, Fourati A, Gritli S, Oueslati Z, Touati S, Gamoudi A, Abdallah MB, El May M, May AE. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Mar ;269(3):1005-11.

[Herpes sim­plex ence­pha­li­tis and mana­ge­ment of acy­clo­vir in ence­pha­li­tis patients in France]. Stahl JP, Mailles A, De Broucker T ; Steering Committee and Investigators Group. Epidemiol Infect. 2012 Feb ;140(2):372-81

[Confirmation of the low cli­ni­cal effect of human her­pes­vi­rus-6 and -7 infec­tions after renal trans­plan­ta­tion]. Caïola D, Karras A, Flandre P, Boutolleau D, Scieux C, Agut H, Legendre C, Gautheret-Dejean A. J Med Virol. 2012 Mar ;84(3):450-6. doi : 10.1002/jmv.23206.

The effect of HMGB1, a damage-asso­cia­ted mole­cu­lar pat­tern mole­cule, on poly­mor­pho­nu­clear neu­tro­phil migra­tion depends on its concen­tra­tion. Berthelot F, Fattoum L, Casulli S, Gozlan J, Maréchal V, Elbim C. J Innate Immun. 2012 ;4(1):41-58.

Identification of new inte­rac­ting part­ners of the shut­tling pro­tein ubi­nu­clein (Ubn-1). Lupo J, Conti A, Sueur C, Coly PA, Couté Y, Hunziker W, Burmeister WP, Germi R, Manet E, Gruffat H, Morand P, Boyer V. Exp Cell Res. 2012 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print]

[Clinical and micro­bio­lo­gi­cal eva­lua­tion of travel-asso­cia­ted res­pi­ra­tory tract infec­tions in tra­ve­lers retur­ning from coun­tries affec­ted by pan­de­mic A(H1N1) 2009 influenza]. Jauréguiberry S, Boutolleau D, Grandsire E, Kofman T, Deback C, Aït-Arkoub Z, Bricaire F, Agut H, Caumes E. J Travel Med. 2012 Jan-Feb ;19(1):22-7.

[Successful treat­ment of aci­clo­vir and fos­car­net resis­tant Herpes sim­plex virus lesions with topi­cal imi­qui­mod in patients infec­ted with human immu­no­de­fi­ciency virus type 1]. Lascaux AS, Caumes E, Deback C, Melica G, Challine D, Agut H, Lévy Y. J Med Virol. 2012 Feb ;84(2):194-7.

[Quantitation of human her­pes­vi­rus-6A, -6B and -7 DNAs in whole blood, mono­nu­clear and poly­mor­pho­nu­clear cell frac­tions from heal­thy blood donors]. Géraudie B, Charrier M, Bonnafous P, Heurté D, Desmonet M, Bartoletti MA, Penasse C, Agut H, Gautheret-Dejean A. J Clin Virol. 2012 Feb ;53(2):151-5.

[Genotypic cha­rac­te­ri­za­tion of herpes sim­plex virus DNA poly­me­rase UL42 pro­ces­si­vity factor]. Burrel S, Aït-Arkoub Z, Agut H, Boutolleau D. Antiviral Res. 2012 Jan ;93(1):199-203.

[Chromosomally inte­gra­ted human her­pes­vi­rus 6 : ques­tions and ans­wers]. Pellett PE, Ablashi DV, Ambros PF, Agut H, Caserta MT, Descamps V, Flamand L, Gautheret-Dejean A, Hall CB, Kamble RT, Kuehl U, Lassner D, Lautenschlager I, Loomis KS, Luppi M, Lusso P, Medveczky PG, Montoya JG, Mori Y, Ogata M, Pritchett JC, Rogez S, Seto E, Ward KN, Yoshikawa T, Razonable RR. Rev Med Virol. 2011 Nov 4. doi : 10.1002/rmv.715.