Site de l’association HerPAs


res­pon­sa­ble de labo­ra­toire :Franck Callardo

Management team :

Franck Gallardo, PhD, Founder&President, Scientific mana­ger

Kerstin Bystricky, PhD/Professor, asso­ciate, scien­ti­fic coun­sel

Bernard Mariamé, PhD, asso­ciate, scien­ti­fic coun­sel

Bruno Brisson,, asso­ciate, exter­nal busi­ness deve­lo­per (World), BLS consul­ting.

Hicham Saad, PhD, busi­ness deve­lo­per (North America).

Adresse :

Franck Gallardo, PhD.

Président/CEO, NeoVirTech, SAS

Institut des Technologies Avancées en scien­ces du Vivant

1 place Pierre Potier, Oncopole, entrée B

31106 Toulouse



Contact :

Franck Gallardo

Intérêts et objectifs scientifiques :

Who we are : NeoVirTech is an award win­ning bio­tech­no­logy com­pany loca­li­zed at the heart of the Oncopole in Toulouse, France. The com­pany com­bi­nes custom R&D plat­form and scree­ning ser­vi­ces for the deve­lop­ment of auto­fluo­res­cent viru­ses or viral vec­tors and their use in scree­ning cam­paign for the dis­co­very of anti­vi­ral mole­cu­les for human and animal infec­tions. NeoVirTech cus­to­mers include aca­de­mic labo­ra­to­ries, bio­tech­no­logy com­pa­nies and large phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal indus­tries. The com­pany capi­ta­li­zes on its exclu­sive world­wide license for the ANCHORTM tech­no­logy, a new gene­ra­tion of fluo­res­cent DNA tag­ging system, which allows direct ima­ging of viral infec­tion and repli­ca­tion in living cells. NeoVirTech won the Innovative Company Award from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as well as The French Agency for Innovation (BPI France) in 2013 and was nomi­na­ted in 2015. NeoVirTech was also selec­ted at the world­wide inno­va­tion contest in 2016.

_ What we do : NeoVirTech has deve­lo­ped unique scree­ning models for the dis­co­very of com­pounds with anti­vi­ral pro­per­ties applied in human and animal health. NeoVirTech holds the first Herpesvirus with an auto­no­mous and repli­ca­ting auto­fluo­res­cent viral DNA. We offer various types of ser­vi­ces : A scree­ning ser­vice pro­vi­ding high content infor­ma­tion for the dis­co­very or repo­si­tio­ning of mole­cu­les in anti-infec­tive the­rapy : using a model virus whose fluo­res­cence is pro­por­tio­nal to the repli­ca­tion rate of viral DNA in order to prio­ri­tize the mole­cu­les accor­ding to their anti­vi­ral poten­tial, their dose-res­ponse effects, and their toxi­city. Custom auto­fluo­res­cent virus deve­lop­ment ser­vice pro­vi­ding a custom auto­fluo­res­cent viral model in which the repli­ca­tion of virus can be moni­to­red in real time by the use of the ANCHOR™ A sub-license pro­gram to acquire fluo­res­cent native virus tech­no­logy for inter­nal use.

For infor­ma­tions,contact us.

Publications marquantes :

DNA dyna­mics during early double-strand break pro­ces­sing revea­led by non-intru­sive ima­ging of living cells. Saad H, Gallardo F, Dalvai M, Tanguy-le-Gac N, Lane D, Bystricky K. PLoS Genet. 2014 Mar 13 ;10(3):e1004187. doi : 10.1371/jour­nal.pgen.1004187.